Saturday, November 2, 2013

15 Minute to get Tons of Traffic through Media Buys


15 Minute traffic through media buys was written out of necessity. I literally had people HOUNDING me about getting traffic. Where do they start? How do they get more of it? Should they pay for it? Everyone who is in the web marketing world needs traffic of some sort. If you want to make money online, you need human beings to see your content - be it a PPC ad, a blog post, a Facebook status update or an email.
You need traffic.


It’s always what people seem to need and everyone wants to take the shortcuts around it. Most people go back to SEO – talk about miserable. Keeping up with constant changes in Google’s algorithm is not only hard, but it can be VERY expensive and it takes A LONG TIME to see your results work, if they do at all.
I’ve been down that rabbit hole.

Siphoning traffic will be, by far, the best money you invest into traffic generation. It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s reliable. 3 Things SEO isn’t.

One of the keys to traffic is FOCUS on 1 method and do it very well. Notice where you’re getting results and DUPLICATE those results consistently over and over and over again. Don’t wander around and do a little SEO here, a little social marketing there, a little blog commenting here and realize you’re not getting ANY traffic.


In 15 Minute traffic media buy, we are going to learn a very simple, scalable, repeatable solution that will, in a nutshell, consistently bring in laser targeted traffic in ANY niche you want. Traffic you can use to grow a blog, grow a list, sell some products, get interest in your company or whatever you want. I've used this method in 1 form or another, since I began internet marketing years ago. It’s simple. It’s proven. It’s repeatable. It’s scalable. And I've refined it over the years – wisdom I’m now sending to you.
First we’re going to outline the method for driving traffic, then we’re going to talk about how to actually implement it. It’s very easy to do this completely wrong, which will lead to wasted time, hands being thrown in the air, games being played on your phone, procrastination, and ultimately: general frustration.
After I show you exactly what you’re looking for, I’m going to give you some templates you can use so you can begin immediately. You’ll have all the tools to begin TODAY, with clear cut instructions for moving forward.

By the end of 15 Minute Traffic Siphon, you will know how to correctly implement and execute a traffic building technique that’s proven, consistent and works. Over and over again. Completely scalable. Build up a traffic stream of 100 users to your site or 100,000 users to your site. Totally up to you.
The power behind this method is you will build up, very quickly, a large amount of traffic that you can wield depending on what you want to do, for example you may want to drive that traffic to an email opt-in form this month, but next month may want to promote an affiliate product. No problem. We’re solving all the traffic problems right here, right now.

Concept & Potential

The concept is simple. You’ll be siphoning traffic off other blogs that are doing very very well. Most people think of traffic as either coming from free places like Google (SEO) or from paid methods such as media buys like web banners or pay per click. What you will be doing is reverse engineering other popular websites in your niche using a few metrics I setup from trial and error, then using a foolproof method for getting a VERY SPECIFIC piece of content up on their site, which, at the end, will link back to your site.

Some call this guest posting. Guest posting is a very drab term though. This is so much more than just guest posting. There is a science to doing it correctly. You may think you’ve tried it before and it hasn’t worked. Bear with me here – this WILL work if you put in the effort. You have to be VERY specific to the kind of work you do, the kind of blogs you publish on and how you go about the contact process or you’ll just be wasting your time. Guest posting is more spray and pray, I hope I get a quality backlink from this site. What we’re doing is actually siphoning traffic from our content on other websites, and to siphon traffic, you need to ensure the website has LOTS of it.

What can this method do for you? How much traffic can you bring in?

Siphoning traffic off other established blogs lets those blog owners do the heavy lifting. You don’t have to spend years building up a loyal fan base, putting out quality content for free and hoping your blog will take off someday. Let someone else do that work. Finding blogs that get hundreds of thousands of pageviews means big traffic payoffs down the road. And we’re talking about QUALITY traffic here.

There is traffic that lands on your site, maybe through a paid ad or through search, and they take what they see at face value. But when you’ve already established yourself as a quality content provider (by putting content on a trusted authority site in your niche) and they read that high quality content, those that come through to your site will already be leaning in your direction. You don’t have to “Sell” as hard, no matter what you’re selling or promoting, even if it’s just promoting your blog with no monetary benefits in mind. They’ve seen the level of quality you already are producing and by following my rules your visitors will be happy as a clam and you will too.

How much traffic? That’s the great part. You can essentially drive as much traffic as you want. I have 1 post up that still brings in 50-100 unique visitors per day and it was published almost 2 years ago. The post is on a very popular blog and one of their top viewed pieces of content, with a link back to my site at the bottom. That’s 1,500-3,000 quality leads per month coming into my site from just 1 post.

Now I’ve recently refined my method a bit more so you can actually WIELD that traffic and point it wherever you want, even after you’ve setup your siphon. You can setup as many siphons for as many different places. You may choose to setup 20 siphons in 1 direction or 20 siphons in 20 directions. This will all vary depending on your end game. Some of you may be here to popularize a blog, some may be here to drive traffic to a CPA offer or a landing page. You’ll have to experiment with where your traffic goes, I’ll show you how to setup the siphons so you can do so. Experimentation is up to you.

I’m not here to teach you about landing pages, or list building or email marketing or CPA ads. I’m here to show you how I consistently traffic each month. I’m assuming you have a general knowledge of how internet marketing works and you just need some big time traffic tips. That’s what I’m here to deliver. Quality traffic tips. I’m going to be focusing solely on that so you have a very detailed understanding of how it works instead of waffling around in a variety of different topics.

Now you’re going to want to just run out and get started right now. Look how easy it is to get all this great traffic, why don’t I do this more often? Before you do ANYTHING finish the course. There are a ton of lessons I’ve learned over the years of doing this and I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I have, wasting time and money. This course will only take you a bit to finish so please do so, it can mean a huge difference in your outcome.

Why This Works So Well

Understanding why these traffic siphons work so well is key to long term successful traffic generation. This method works well because of 2 simple reasons.

#1 Website owners ALWAYS need high quality content for their visitors. This is just the reality of owning a highly trafficked blog. There are a few exceptions, but most blogs live and die by the freshness of their content. Having high quality, fresh content continuously posted on blogs means more traffic, more shares and more ad revenue for the owners. Who doesn’t want revenue? Now many times these owners are absolutely swamped with work. They will schedule content out but they can get busy. Sometimes they have staff writers, sometimes they run the entire blog themselves. This is where you come in. You walk in the door (their inbox) and say: Hey here’s a bunch of awesome content FOR you, done and done, which one do you want?

Simple as that. You know why it works? Because it’s so easy for the blog owners to just reply to you and say “I’d love it! I’ll have it up on the site soon!”

It’s a win-win. You get quality advertising that works (see below) and they get quality content for their site (which translates into more dollars for them.)

#2 Your “ad” is embedded into website content, not a banner.
What does that mean? You’re essentially putting an ad up for your website or product. You’re establishing yourself as a guru in a particular field, it could be health products, SEO, marketing ideas or budget travel tips.

Most advertisers have it all wrong, they pay to put their banners up on the side of a website, falling victim to advertising blindness. Who looks at those ads? No one. Or so few people that it doesn’t really matter, you’re wasting so much money paying for CPA ads that get %.010 click through rate. People are all reading the content.

Make the Content Your Advertisement

Now on the other hand if you scroll down in that same article you’ll see a link for a product that is directly related to the article:

Affiliate link. Boom, you just got close to free advertising FOR LIFE from this website and it’s all built into the content. You don’t have to top off your advertising budget to keep that flood of traffic coming in. People read content, then if they like it (which I’ll be showing you HOW to get them to like it) they want to find out more. You’ve established yourself as a pro, so they jump through your link for more.
Let me clarify this however. The above is just an example, you will not be putting your links within the body of your content but instead putting your links in an author bio at the END of your content, this is generally what other website owners prefer and what looks more organic (see below)

But more on that later… Now that you know why this works so well it’s time to get started.

Getting Started

Click Here to Download the Rest of the Content

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